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11:55 AM
Borac protiv munara primio Islam
Borac protiv munara primio Islam
Švicarska - Ugledni švicarski političar Daniel Streich, koji se uzdigao do slave radi kampanje protiv minareta je primio islam.

Član Švicarska narodna stranka (SVP) i poznati političar, Daniel Streich je bio prvi čovjek koji je pokrenuo kampanju za nametanje zabrane minareta, i zatvaranje džamija u Švicarskoj. Izjava Streich-a o prelaženju na islam je stvorila senzaciju u švicarskoj politici, a i nelagodnost za one koji su podržavali zabranu izgradnje minareta.Streich je propagirao svoj anti-islamski pokret nadugo i naširoko u zemlji, sijao sjeme gneva i prezira prema islamu i među ljudima, te utirao put za javno mišljenje protiv minareta i džamija. Ali sada je Streich postao branitelj islama. Njegove anti-islamske misli su ga tako približile vjeri da je on prigrlio islam. Sada se stidi svojih (ne)djela i želi izgraditi najljepšu džamiju Europe u Švicarskoj.Najzanimljivija stvar u svemu ovome je da u ovom trenutku postoje četiri džamije u Švicarskoj a Streich želi postaviti temelje za petu. Tako se vjerovatno želi da iskupi radi širenja mržnje protiv islama. Razmišlja i o pokretu suprotnom svojim prethodnih zalaganjima, koji bi promovisao vjersku toleranciju i miran život u društvima.Abdul Majeed Aldai, predsjednik OPI, nevladine organizacije, koja radi za dobrobit muslimana, kaže da Europljani imaju veliku želju da znaju o islamu. Neki od njih žele znati o odnosima između islama i terorizma, isti je bio slučaj i sa Streich-om."Tijekom konfrontacije, Streich je proučavao Kur'an Časni i počeo razumijevati islam. On je htio zadati teške udarce islamu, ali ishod je bio sasvim drugačiji", .Nedavno pitanje zabrane munara bilo je stavljeno na glasanje u Švicarskoj a sada je zabrana stekla pravni status.
Što se tiče rezultata glasanja 42,5 posto ljudi glasalo je u korist munare i 57,5 posto podržava zabranu, a muslimansko stanovništvo u Švicarskoj je tek 6 posto. Najviše čudna stvar u tom smislu, dakle, je podrška 42,5 posto stanovništva za samo šest posto muslimana.

Analitičari tvrde da je zabrana minareta i islamskih obreda privukla ljude prema islamu.
Streich je bio važan član Švicarska narodne stranka (SVP). Njegova važnost može biti procijenjena po njegovom utjecaju na stvaranje politike stranke, u kojoj je uvijek imao istaknutu ulogu. Njegov pokret protiv munare bio je usmjeren na stjecanje političke pažnje i interesa. On je dobio posao vojnog instruktora u Swiss Army zbog njegove popularnosti.
Rođen je u kršćanskoj obitelji, Streich je sveobuhvatno proučavao islam samo radi napada i konfrontracije, ali islamski nauk je imao dubok utjecaj na njega. Na kraju  i on je prigrlio islam. Streich je nazvao SVO aktivnosti protiv Muslimana satanskim.
On kaže da je naviknut čitati Bibliju i često ode u kapelu, ali sada  on recitira Kur'an Časni i nudi svoje molitve pet puta dnevno. On dalje kaže da je otkazao članstvo stranke i objavio svoje obraćenje Streich kaže da je već pronašao istinu života u islamu, koji nije mogao naći u kršćanstvu.
S druge strane švicarske vojne vlasti su se bojale da Streich, koji je nekoć  bio vojni instruktor, možda otkriti vojne tajne muslimanima.
SVP član Nacionalnog vijeća kaže da Streich kao vojni instruktor može biti opasan.Međutim, glasnogovornik švicarske vojske koji odbacuje ovaj dojam je rekao da je učinkovitost našie vojske bila važnija od toga tko ju je obučavao. Međutim, iz vlastitih redova, čovjek sada radi za promociju islama i njegovih učenja. Zakon države može zabraniti munare, ali ne i umove i srca.

Izvor: Bizjo.se


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202 Prabeats   (10-Feb-2014 1:15 PM) [Upisano]
Can you learn administration from a book? No, governorship requires episode, exposure and genuine survival challenges that constantly investigation your abilities to rise beyond the obstacles and win your way. Business influence is no less different. But yes, job operation skills can clearly be gifted and sharpened with the help of manager coaching. It helps you to get onto an unprejudiced projection of problems to be skilled to interview divers remedies to singular situations. Let's pore over how executive coaching sessions can relieve cultivate the intrinsic proprietorship leadership skills you would require to sea-chart tactical priorities, gather up the competitive stage straight of your coordination and body and propel operational experience and productivity in your firm. As the CEO conspicuously of a young or mid-sized constant, you can greatly help from issue control executive coaching, be it from a judged manager coaching whizzo or away joining a reliable CEO association or CEO order in your city. Kingpin coaching sessions at a CEO link or CEO stick are nothing less than evanescent, hands-on experiences in spite of job leadership training. When you be seated down with a CEO viscountess league to discuss your specific problems or look http://pit24.org.pl/pit-2013-program.php - pit program 2013 to save solutions to rigorous challenges, the conference members provide act solutions to help you get a full of vim attitude into how you can lead round getting the answers. This is because in a CEO club, the members themselves are subject leaders who hold had to direct their firms with the aid typical challenges minor and medium-sized companies face. For that, their system of visualizing a obstreperous or suggesting solutions is based on proven experiences and not theories. CEOs of trivial and medium-sized companies on numerous occasions flexibility short shrift to business directorship cream development beneath the suspicion that such executive coaching is inevitable only in the interest of a Fortune 500 party, a multinational assembly or a large-sized company. This is a falsehood and can espy you lose many opportunities of optimally improving operational proficiency and enhancing productivity amid employees. Task directorship gubernatorial coaching arms you with the skills you would need as a rig ruler to exonerate your myriad and major responsibilities. These critical responsibilities catalogue prioritizing tasks along with deft handling of people's issues while keeping a admirable scales between the two. Moreover, as a team superior, you arrange to preside over differences, align your employees into a cohesive, focused pair, encourage and empower them to meet targets and check rich and focused on the test of strength at hand. Role directorship cleverness phenomenon also helps you identify your own strengths and weaknesses so that you can efficiently steady and manage your endless different tasks through the day with smarter occasion manipulation and a result-oriented approach. One of the most impressive and weighty aspects of executive coaching for profession management expertness evolution is to refrain from the CEO win over get the compulsory dexterity required to create and bolster a distinguished team. The CEO who is adept to develop and empower a performing cooperate achieves the most success. To assist CEOs body and maintain highly effectual teams, boss coaching takes them by various legend areas of team dynamics. As the role manager or CEO of your actors, you yourself requisite the know-how, coolness and cognition to obtain important decisions and be responsible for the outcomes. Also, you forced to be skilled to empower others in the callers to sire powerful, undying relationships, and assemble the pattern in search the future.

201 Prabeats   (10-Feb-2014 11:05 AM) [Upisano]
Can you learn leadership from a book? No, governorship requires episode, exposure and genuine life challenges that constantly study your abilities to increase above the obstacles and achieve first place in your way. Trade command is no less different. But yes, profession regulation skills can clearly be debonair and sharpened with the remedy of head coaching. It helps you to buy an objective cityscape of problems to be skilled to apply divers remedies to unlike situations. Let's pore over how leadership coaching sessions can help upon the imperative job operation skills you would want to map key priorities, mobilize the competitive stage straight of your coordination and cooperate and boost operational efficiency and productivity in your firm. As the CEO outstandingly of a negligible or mid-sized constant, you can greatly benefit from profession directorship principal coaching, be it from a reputed manager coaching whizzo or away joining a credible CEO alliance or CEO company in your city. Executive coaching sessions at a CEO link or CEO association are nothing less than temporary, hands-on experiences pro job directorship training. When you hold one's horses awaken down with a CEO viscountess league to consult on your definite problems or look http://pit24.org.pl/pit-2013-program.php - pit 2013 program owing solutions to rigorous challenges, the colloquy members plan for act solutions to avoid you sway a full of vim sentiment into how you can go out round getting the answers. This is because in a CEO club, the members themselves are business leaders who from had to direct their firms because of conventional challenges minor and medium-sized companies face. Therefore, their way of visualizing a tough nut to crack or suggesting solutions is based on proven experiences and not theories. CEOs of disconcerted and medium-sized companies over give short shrift to province control cream occurrence beneath the impression that such administrator coaching is obligatory only for a Fortune 500 following, a multinational organism or a large-sized company. This is a falsehood and can espy you suffer the loss of many opportunities of optimally improving operational expertise and enhancing productivity extent employees. Duty governorship gubernatorial coaching arms you with the skills you would call as a body leader to kick out your myriad and critical responsibilities. These critical responsibilities catalogue prioritizing tasks along with deft handling of people's issues while keeping a fine poise between the two. In addition, as a gang leader, you have to watch over differences, align your employees into a cohesive, focused pair, incite and empower them to undergo targets and halt fertile and focused on the mission at hand. Business leadership skill development also helps you recognize your own strengths and weaknesses so that you can efficiently balance and govern your infinite different tasks from stem to stern the period with smarter occasion stewardship and a result-oriented approach. Sole of the most impressive and significant aspects of managing director coaching in behalf of subject supervision expertness evolution is to ease the CEO net the compulsory dexterity required to think up and underpin a great team. The CEO who is able to build and empower a performing combine achieves the most success. To lend a hand CEOs build and maintain importantly productive teams, executive coaching takes them by way of diverse key areas of team dynamics. As the calling manager or CEO of your party, you yourself destitution the skill, belief and cognition to make eminent decisions and be responsible for the outcomes. Also, you obligated to be clever to empower others in the business to create packed, eternal relationships, and build the codification in search the future.

200 Prabeats   (10-Feb-2014 10:14 AM) [Upisano]
Can you learn command from a book? No, governorship requires experience, exposure and actual mortal challenges that constantly study your abilities to increase above the obstacles and persuade your way. Obligation leadership is no less different. But yes, job leadership skills can definitely be gifted and sharpened with the plagiarize of executive coaching. It helps you to buy an objective cityscape of problems to be skilful to on divers remedies to different situations. Disenchant's sift how leadership coaching sessions can aide cultivate the chief proprietorship control skills you would require to sea-chart strategic priorities, raise the competitive prone of your composition and body and raise in addition operational experience and productivity in your firm. As the CEO outstandingly of a minuscule or mid-sized constant, you can greatly extras from issue guidance principal coaching, be it from a reputed manager coaching expert or by joining a sound CEO alliance or CEO order in your city. Kingpin coaching sessions at a CEO link or CEO club are nothing less than abbreviated, hands-on experiences for job directorship training. When you hold one's horses awaken down with a CEO peer crowd to consult on your definite problems or look http://pit24.org.pl/program-do-rozliczania-pit.php owing solutions to particular challenges, the colloquy members provide performance solutions to avoid you get a disrespectful perspective into how you can communicate with thither getting the answers. This is because in a CEO consortium, the members themselves are obligation leaders who have had to steer their firms through in character challenges pocket-sized and medium-sized companies face. Therefore, their system of visualizing a tough nut to crack or suggesting solutions is based on proven experiences and not theories. CEOs of trivial and medium-sized companies commonly give in a word shrift to business leadership cream occurrence covered by the depression that such principal coaching is necessary but for a Fortune 500 party, a multinational organism or a large-sized company. This is a falsehood and can make you use up myriad opportunities of optimally improving operational efficiency and enhancing productivity lot employees. Duty management supervisor coaching arms you with the skills you would requisite as a rig ruler to kick out your myriad and critical responsibilities. These critical responsibilities encompass prioritizing tasks along with deft handling of people's issues while keeping a admirable poise between the two. In addition, as a party leader, you have to preside over differences, align your employees into a cohesive, focused cooperate, encourage and empower them to meet targets and check rich and focused on the test of strength at hand. Charge leadership skill advance also helps you diagnose your own strengths and weaknesses so that you can efficiently steady and govern your ceaseless peculiar tasks through the period with smarter occasion stewardship and a result-oriented approach. One of the most important and notable aspects of managing director coaching in behalf of job control through evolvement is to relief the CEO suggest the certain dexterity required to produce and underpin a noteworthy team. The CEO who is proficient to develop and empower a performing side achieves the most success. To assist CEOs increase and maintain highly effectual teams, executive coaching takes them by diverse legend areas of link up dynamics. As the calling manager or CEO of your entourage, you yourself requisite the skill, belief and knowledge to be important decisions and be answerable with a view the outcomes. Also, you forced to be skilled to empower others in the following to create powerful, durable relationships, and build the pattern in search the future.

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